Posted: October 17th, 2022

Do you think there are circumstances when illegal (criminal) activities are justified in overcoming inequalities and attaining material success? part3.

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please read the description carefully below.
part 1 essay question.
The article: The Role of Attenuated Culture in Social Disorganization Theory, draws a parallel between crime and “cultural disorganization” and the lack of conventional values at the community level in neighborhoods that are economically disadvantaged. It is important to note that the author’s study takes into account only one (southern) city.
In this essay (of at least 300 words) provide a critique of some of Warner’s finding. Are you in agreement with her overall hypothesis? Do neighborhoods in the area where you live look different or the same as the ones Warner describes? Can you challenge her, through your own knowledge and experience, on any of the central points she has made?
Remember the The essay has to be acdemic has title, introduction, body and conclusions.
Attached are the articles if the articles are relevant to this essay question cite it otherwise find out outside and cited.
below is professor vidoe link please watch it, because it also helps what to write in essay.

Another YouTube videos links are below, this is not professor video, it’s just he posted for this assignment, so watch it if it’s needed.

part 2.
Write at least 4-5 sentences the best response to the below question.
In the US Inner City Apartheid article the author describes the drug dealing business as model of upward mobility in the true American sense of competition and entrepreneurship for a segment of the population that has been closed off from the more traditional paths to material success.
Do you think there are circumstances when illegal (criminal) activities are justified in overcoming inequalities and attaining material success?
please respond to my classmate for part 2 answer, write are you agree or disagree and why disagree and agree write 4-5 sentences. As I said professor said to be informal and conversational.
I do think there are circumstances when illegal activities are justified in overcoming inequalities and attaining material success. I say this because I grew up in NYC and I have met numerous individuals who are trying their absolute best to better themselves and get out of the environment they are in but theres so many barriers that prevent them from doing so. For example, my friend who is from the Bronx did not have an easy childhood, she grew up in the projects, shootings happening accross the street, people doing drugs in the staircases of the apartment building. Despite seeing all of this she tried her best to not be like them but once she was around them often she began to change and resort to drugs. She then started getting connected to people who sold drugs and joined them after seeing how fast the money came in. This goes to show that getting an actual job may be challenging when they do drug test or background checks and they see how easy it is to sell drugs in the neighborhood and they depend on this more than they should. Some people may think this isnt justifiable but fail to realize drugs is all some people know and it is there way “out.”

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