Posted: October 17th, 2022

Discussion on the possible limitations of this technology 10%6.

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Written Report : Students prepare a report/recommendation regarding the purchase of atechnology for either tourism, hotels or restaurants and present findings on the selectedtechnology being currently used by tourism, hotels or restaurants; and, impacting thehospitality/tourism industry. The technology must be specific not general in nature. I.e. not VirtualReality but a specific brand or application of VR.Your report should be focused on trying to convince a company to purchase or not purchase theselected technology.The viewpoint that you are presenting should be clear from the executive summary through yourSWOT analysis, your discussion of the chosen technology and all the way to your conclusionsregarding the purchase of the technology.The report must have the following sections:1. Executive Summary 20%2. Brief justification for choosing to discuss the technology (one to two paragraphs) 10%3. A SWOT analysis of the technology. A point form version and a in depth discussion thatexplains the analysis must be utilized. Max 2 points per SWOT section. 20%4. The current application of this technology within the chosen tourism establishment.Provide examples. 10%5. Discussion on the possible limitations of this technology 10%6. What do you see as the future of this technology within the given industry 10%7. A thorough conclusion drawn from your SWOT and your subsequent research on theselected technology. 20%The report will be a minimum of 10 pages, maximum of 12, double-spaced, times new roman (12font), half inch margins. These pages are exclusive of references and other cover pages as needed.Please use appropriate APA referencing throughout the report.An executive summary that clearly outlines the report and its recommendations and conclusionsmust be the first page of the report.Presentation:In addition to the written report a presentation on a technology will also be done. The presentationmust be no more than 10 minutes. The purpose of the presentation is to convince someone to buythe technology being presented. The presenter will deliver the presentation as if they werepresenting to a management team who could potentially purchase the technology.HOTL 222 Page 1
RecommendationThe Following criteria will be used to grade the presentation:Overview of technology selected . 10%Relating SWOT/ research to final report findings 10%Critical analysis and subsequent recommendations. 10%Engaging presentation technique 10%Convincing Presentation in terms of purchasing/not purchasing tech. 10%
RecommendationThe Following criteria will be used to grade the presentation:Overview of technology selected . 10%Relating SWOT/ research to final report findings 10%Critical analysis and subsequent recommendations. 10%Engaging presentation technique 10%Convincing Presentation in terms of purchasing/not purchasing tech. 1

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