Posted: October 22nd, 2022

Do not be confused with product innovation.

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Process improvement is important because it can create competitive advantages for businesses. In the lecture on process design, the instructor took various examples of process innovation. Now in this discussion question, take your own examples of process innovation. Do not be confused with product innovation. Product innovation is to make a new products such as iPhone or iPad. Process innovation is creating a novel process. For example, Tesla got rid of “dealership” model and created direct sales through its online store. It also receives deposits of $1000 first and then deliver the products to customers. This is quite different from dealership sales process. Taking your own business examples, explain how process innovation creates competitive advantage for business or organization. Make sure to bring out a genuine and original example.
To earn full credit, students are required to put up the main post by Friday of the week before the due date and five replies to the comments throughout the module duration (i.e., not near the due date). Do not fall for plagiarism. Use APA style when quoting and referencing.

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