Posted: October 22nd, 2022

Discuss what elements you are drawn to regarding these particular tactics, traits, or models, including how they interconnect with your own personal, moral, ethical, or religious beliefs.

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Discussion Post#1: As discussed in Topic 1, effective leaders apply various leadership tactics depending upon the contexts in which they find themselves. Consider the leadership tactics, traits, or models you find yourself drawn to as a leader. Discuss what elements you are drawn to regarding these particular tactics, traits, or models, including how they interconnect with your own personal, moral, ethical, or religious beliefs. Additionally, discuss whether you believe personal, moral, ethical, or religious beliefs of leaders can interfere with their ability to effectively lead and provide specific examples to support your reasoning.
Discussion Post#2: Select a leader you believe successfully led an organization through a crisis or challenge (e.g., public relations crisis, marketing mishap, shift in market demand, reorganization). Identify the leader and the company with which the leader is affiliated. Provide a brief context for the crisis or challenge. Identify the leadership models and approaches that were employed in the handling of the situation. Finally, explain why you think the leadership was particularly effective in this context. (Tim Cook for Apple)

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