Posted: October 22nd, 2022

What communication protocols and actions are effective and productive among interagency healthcare leaders to improve patient healthcare services related to persons with special needs?

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What communication protocols and actions are effective and productive among interagency healthcare leaders to improve patient healthcare services related to persons with special needs?
The standard interagency communication models failed opportunities to share important information, creates challenges that cause limited communication delivery accessing effective care and services related to persons with special needs. This paper will research what specific communication protocols, methods, and actions are effective and productive among healthcare leaders and providers to improve interagency communication regarding healthcare resources related to persons with special needs to navigate easily
final assessment will be an essay that allows you to integrate and demonstrate what you have learned in this course. Your paper is required to be 5 to 9 pages in length and should follow the guidelines provided for the assignment. Be sure to follow accepted research approaches and citation format (APA). It is required that your article routinely references advanced communication concepts and applied knowledge of a workplace problem or Challenges.
 For the first paragraph, you will need to demonstrate the scope of the communication problem through either qualitative or quantitative means (or both).
 Remember to frame the essay with the communication problem you are proposing to solve.
 For the balance of the paper, identify best practices from research to solve the problem you have identified.
 This is not about your opinion on how to solve the problem but about sifting information available through research.
 Yes, stakeholder identification and messaging are critical to articulating possible solutions. I look forward to reading your paper.
American Psychological Association (APA) Style for Written Submissions
Style rules have been created to advance scholarship by establishing a simple set of
procedures to increase the ease of reading comprehension and enhance the dissemination of
knowledge. APA Style is a widely used standard and the accepted style for all DHA courses.
DHA students should apply basic APA standards to writing assignments and the final
project. It is not necessary to apply APA standards to discussion board posts. Strong, consistent
formatting creates a positive first impression of a manuscript, and favorable consideration will be
given to written submissions that adhere to basic APA style.
Required style elements include Times New Roman typeface, 12-point font size, one inch margins, double spacing between lines, indenting the first line of every paragraph,
paragraphs with three or more sentences, page numbers, a reference page, and a title page with
the title, author byline, institutional affiliation, and date. Title pages and all text elements should
be formatted with the 12-point Times New Roman typeface with no other graphics attached.
APA style should also be used for citations and references; many sources for APA guidelines can
be found on the Internet

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