Posted: October 22nd, 2022

When youdiscuss these options, be detailed about how to implement that, how it would influence firm performance, andwhat are the risks and costs of failure.

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the Introduction, provide a short description of the company: its mission and vision, its industry and markets,its size and structure, its recent performance, and other major developments (M&A, lawsuits, etc.).In the Strategic analysis, describe the conclusions from your external analysis regarding industry growth,competition and profitability, strategic groups and market positions, etc. Also include the conclusions from yourinternal analysis about resources, activities, and benchmarks. This should result in a SWOT: an overview of thekey strengths and weaknesses of the firm and the opportunities and threats within its industry (SWOT must bebased on and directly derived from external and internal analyses).Building on Strategic analysis, in the Strategic options, consider the most relevant strategic opportunities:should the firm enter new industries, exit an existing one, or reposition itself in a specific industry. When youdiscuss these options, be detailed about how to implement that, how it would influence firm performance, andwhat are the risks and costs of failure. For example, if you advise the corporation to diversify into a relatedindustry, specify if this should happen through greenfield (and how it should position itself in that market. It is better to have only 3 or 4 strategicoptions that are really well-explained than dozens without detail.In the Conclusion, summarize the key issues the company is facing and how the strategic options address these.Then recommend which strategic options to take and in which order.It is important to have both “claims” and “evidence”. Claims are your conclusions or insights that you gainedfrom studying the materials about the company. Evidence is practical information, either qualitative orquantitative, that supports the claim

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