Posted: October 24th, 2022

Discussions in this course adhere to strict requirements.

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Discussion: Economic Development in India, South Korea, and Africa
For this discussion, you will conduct research on the economic development of one of the three developing regions listed (India, South Korea, and Africa). The research should cover the impact political, legal, and economic systems have on the country’s growth. Additionally, part of your comments should discuss the impact that their systems have had on their economic freedom.
The discussion post should be supported by a minimum of three references not including your textbook. The assignment should be according to the Writing Style Guide and the references should be written in APA format with a total of 300 words.
Discussions in this course adhere to strict requirements. To receive full credit, your initial post is due by Day 3 and you must respond to at least two of your classmates by Day 5. When posts are not submitted on time, the participation portion of the grading is forfeited.
Be sure you understand the requirements and grading details for discussions in this course:

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