Posted: October 27th, 2022

Does covid-19 experience strike at the root of international trade?

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It has taken all of 4 weeks to spread panic across the
globe, with businesses getting shut down and people staying home. Interestingly, oil was still being
transported, food grains were still being shipped, laptops were being manufactured, chip makers
were making chips and the call centre in the Philippines still responded to your query. Two words
suddenly captured everyone’s attention – supply chain (clearly connected with trade!). The
world has coped and appears to be dealing with hiccups as they have arisen in the ‘supply chain’ so
far. The aftermath of Covid-19 presents a global scenario rife with opportunities and risks for trade,
businesses, society and people. Does Covid-19 experience strike at the root of international trade?
The issue of supply chain and trade – is it an issue at all for the 190+ countries? Or, is it relevant to a
handful of countries? Does the Covid-19 experience strengthen the need for even more international
connectedness of economies, perhaps with more Plan B’s? Perhaps build redundancies. What challenges and implications can one think of going forward for nations?
Use 12 points, Times Roman, with single line spacing.
Use of high-quality references is strongly encouraged (Bloomberg, FT, Research journals)
Do a proper spell check, context check, format properly, and make intelligent use of headings and paragraphs.
Analytical essay: A fairly common structure to use. Essay topics of this kind would include questions which ask you to discuss,
analyse, investigate, explore or review.
You can break the topic into its different components and discuss these in separate paragraphs or sections,
keeping a balance where possible.
● Introduction
○ Background information
○ Overall point of view of the topic (thesis)
○ Overview of components to being discussed (your structure and flow)
● Body paragraphs
○ paragraph 1
■ Topic sentence outlining first part
■ Sentences giving explanations and providing evidence to support topic sentence
■ Concluding sentence – link to next paragraph
○ paragraph 2
■ Topic sentence outlining second part
■ Sentences giving explanations and providing evidence to back topic sentence
■ Concluding sentence – link to next paragraph
○ Following body paragraphs
■ These follow the same structure for as many parts as you need
○ And so on
● Conclusion (and possibly leading suggestions)
○ Summary of the main points of the body
○ Restatement of the main point of view
○ Justification/evaluation (if required by task)
You may want to selectively use headers for some parts as a separation.

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