Posted: March 19th, 2022

How the impact of COVID-19 has changed the purchase intention of packaged holidays’ for the uk

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T‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‍‍‌‍‍he course is – business with marketing management. The paper is called management enquiry but it is also like a dissertation. I have based my paper on my own topic which i called it ‘How the impact of COVID-19 has changed the purchase intention of packaged holidays’ for the uk. 1. My paper needs to have a survey with a sample off at least 100 respondents. 2. The questions need to relate to the perceived risk of flying and anything related to flying during covid-19. 3. The data needs to be analysed using SPSS software. E.g. (quantitative t-tests, correlation etc.; qualitative thematic analysis etc). The Management Enquiry in summary 1. You should produce two individual pieces of academic work, of a combined target length 10,000 words which has a ‘real-world’ focus. Report 1 (35% of module grade) submitted in January (Explore and review) is 3,500 words and Report 2 submitted in May (Engage, reflect and connect) is 6,500 words (65% of module grade) 2. Explore: The ‘real-world’ focus to your Management Enquiry will be discerned from, informed by, or developed from your identification of an organisation (manager or professional) with whom to make an initial contact, to discern the project focus, and in which you may subsequently collect primary data. For those students on specialist courses, your Enquiry should be subject-related. For example, if you are studying International Management, your enquiry should take an international or‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‍‍‌‍‍ global focus. 3. Review: While your Management Enquiry should have a real-world practice focus, it will be informed by your academic understanding which allows you to review (comparing and contrasting difference views) the supporting academic literature (journal articles) and professional body publications. You should not just read standard text-books. 4. Engage: You should conduct research for your Enquiry. This research will take different forms depending on the Enquiry focus, the objectives you have set, your review of the literature, and the access and resources available to you. You may choose to generate/collect primary data or you may use pre-existing data (with due acknowledgement) to derive new findings. 5. Reflect: You should compare and contrast your findings with pre-existing studies where appropriate. 6. Reflect: You should interpret your data-findings using the theoretical and conceptual tools developed in your literature review. 7. Reflect: You should draw conclusions from Enquiry that relate back to the objectives set at the outset. Your conclusions should be contextulised for the organisation you have based your research on. 8. Reflect and Connect: These conclusions should inform your development of prioritised, well- justified, practical and actionable recommendations (action plan) for change/enhancement/improvement to existing practice to show how the recommendations would potentially affect workplace professional decisio‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‍‍‌‍‍n making.

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