Posted: November 4th, 2022

Describe and analyze the core business processes in the context of mdm.

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Identify Core Business Processes and Plan an MDM Initiative
Your company is beginning an MDM project. You have been tasked with identifying the company’s core business processes and beginning to plan the integration of multiple databases. You may choose the business of your company based on the following list or a service or manufacturing firm of your choice.
• Service firm: A bank.
• Service firm: A hospital.
• Service firm: A hotel.
• Manufacturing: Airplane Manufacturer.
• Manufacturing: Pharmaceutical.
• Manufacturing: Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG).
Describe and analyze the core business processes in the context of MDM. Apply and analyze the design of workflows for identification and integration of prudent databases. Describe a database management system to present a prototype strategy on data integration with data of different formats.

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