Posted: November 7th, 2022

Research questions

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The overall aim of the Session Long Project assignments in this course is to facilitate the further development of your DBA project by developing the core of the literature review for your draft project. This will entail developing a structure for the material to be reviewed, identifying and accessing different kinds of source material, and organizing the material to support the aims of the project. At the end of this course, you are expected to have a working draft of Chapter 2 of your DBA project that you can take into the next course, in which you develop a research methodology for the project.
It is important to stress that what you are developing here is only a draft. You are not bound by what you develop in this series of assignments; everything is subject to modification and improvement as you move toward the project itself. But it is important to take these assignments seriously since they build toward a usable chapter. The more work you are able to put into your project during this course, the less you will be playing catch-up later on in the program, and the easier it will be to complete your project and obtain your degree.
During Module 1, you are expected to take the introduction to your project that you developed in your previous course and review it for completeness per the DBA Handbook. You may have some missing elements. The next step is to use the Annotated Outline: Chapter 2, Literature Review document and enter the appropriate information into it.
Specifically, you are to:
Enter the basic information about your DSP in the first main section of the Annotated Literature Review outline:
DSP Basics (citations and references are not needed, just explanatory text)
Target Organization & the Industry
Description of the Research Problem
Research Questions
Theories/Models as a basis for your research
Methodology: Research Design and Data Analysis Methodology
Enter into the outline any literature that you have found thus far. This should be any literature from your Chapter 1 that you will include in your Lit Review and other literature that you may have found thus far.
Literature Review Outline
Target Organization, Industry, Benchmarking
[list references using APA format, and provide a short note about the how
each pertains]
Theories, Models, Conceptual Framework
[list references using APA format, and provide a short note about the how
each pertains]
Methodology (Research Design and Data Analysis Method)
[list references using APA format, and provide a short note about the how
each pertains]
Write a short paragraph that discusses your search strategy for finding relevant literature. How will you search for literature to review for each of the three key sections?
Search Strategy
[write a short paragraph]
When you have completed this document, submit it to the Dropbox for SLP 1.

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