Posted: November 7th, 2022

Critically evaluate performance measurement and management approaches used in a variety of organisations.

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Course Learning Outcomes
This coursework has been designed to test your achievement of the following course learning outcomes:
Critically evaluate performance measurement and management approaches used in a variety of organisations.
Understand issues involved in the design, implementation and use of performance measurement and management systems.
Demonstrate knowledge of current performance measurement and management issues and challenges faced by many organisations.
Generate appropriate solutions to performance measurement and management problems.
Coursework instructions
Individual 2,500-word report (+10% or 250 words). The word count excludes the reference list, appendices, figures and tables, so please feel free to use as many as you need to keep your work complete and concise. In this coursework, you are tasked with using the knowledge gained throughout this course to conduct a critical review of the performance measurement and management approaches used at Linn Products, which is the case company that we will use throughout this course. A video about Linn Products is provided here, where their performance measurement and management system is explained, and you can use any public data available online about the company.
Your report should include a critical analysis of the competitive structure of the organisation; the technical and social dimensions of performance measurement and management in the firm; the controls and routines and how they are integrated or not in a cohesive performance management framework in the organisation; and should result in a concise but directive set of recommendations for the organisation. In doing this you are expected to reflect upon the contents of the course as well as any additional relevant reading from professional and/or academic books and journals.

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