Posted: November 7th, 2022

How do these passages of scripture apply to your understanding of public policy?

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Analyze the words of the Lord Jesus in both Matthew 22:15-22 and John 18:28-38. How do these passages of Scripture apply to your understanding of public policy? How do they affect your understanding of both politics and policymaking?
Requirements: 250 words
All internet sources are NOT acceptable. Remember that all sources must be SCHOLARLY. Blogs are not acceptable; they are merely someone’s opinion and are not authoritative for purposes of scholarly research. Anything “pedia” such as Wikipedia, Investopedia, etc. is not acceptable. Information from official governmental websites is acceptable. If an assignment requires that you look at something in particular (such as think tanks), then references to the websites for the assigned topic are acceptable. If you are uncertain whether a source is acceptable, please contact me so I can review it before you use it.
Be sure that you follow the required APA format for citing electronic sources. Below is a link to the Purdue Online Writing Lab which explains how to cite electronic sources:
Purdue OWL Citing Electronic Sources

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