Posted: November 7th, 2022

How have they responded?

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Select any one financial institution from the list below:
A. Royal Bank of Canada.
B. Bank of America
Using the financial institution that you selected, prepare a report that responds to the topics, prompts, and questions in each category below. Be sure to apply the various topics, concepts, and terminologies you have learned throughout this course within your report. You are also
required to conduct additional research for your report and must use at least three (3) credible sources.
a. Growth of the Organization: Trace the growth of your chosen financial institution and analyze the various services they offer. In your analysis consider the following questions
(note, you are not required to directly answer these questions, they are meant to guide your analysis):
i. What makes this institution competitive? How do they stand out from their competitors?
ii. How have they responded to various internal and external environmental factors?
iii. What challenges have they faced, in any, in terms of growth? What strategies have they used to overcome challenges?
iv. How have they responded to new trends and changes in the business world?
b. Marketing Strategies: Review the marketing strategies used by your chosen financial institution. Answer the following questions:
i. What marketing strategies have been adopted by the institution? How are they aiming to attract new clients?
ii. In terms of their marketing, who is the target demographic for this institution? (i.e., individuals, businesses, etc)
iii. What strategies have contributed to the long-term success of this institution?
c. The Role of Leaders: Analyze the leadership in this institution. Address the following questions:
i. How is this institution organized? Consider why this institution adopted its
organizational structure.
ii. How has strong leadership contributed to the bank’s success? What are the
qualities required to become a successful leader?
iii. What HR initiatives have been taken by the leaders to attract, retain, and
motivate the talent in the organization?
d. International Business Management: Evaluate the institution’s presence at an international level. Answer the following questions:
i. Does the institution have an international presence? If so, what does that
presence look like?
ii. Has the institution been successful in entering foreign markets? How have they achieved this access? What strategies did they adopt?
iii. What challenges or changes has the institution faced at an international level? How have they responded? Would you make any recommendations as to how they could have responded better?

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