Posted: November 11th, 2022

Discuss how your plan makes a global contribution to international and multicultural populations.

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Scenario You work for Patagonia as VP of Operations and your company has been nominated for the Citizens Award from the US Chamber of Commerce Foundation. Each nominee is to present its company’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Sustainability initiatives at the Citizens Award Gala in Washington D.C. You will develop a Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability plan on behalf of your organization that will showcase your company as the obvious choice to win the award.
Instructions Create a 17-23 slide PowerPoint slide presentation you will present at the Gala. Please be sure to include your script within the notes section of the PowerPoint.
Be sure to include the following slides:
1. Title slide (1 slide) 2. Explain how your CSR plan will positively impact the triple bottom line while satisfying your shareholders, as well as internal and external stakeholders. (2-3 slides)
• Include how you will mitigate the risk of negative internal and external perceptions of stakeholders or the public. 3. Describe how your community involvement and commitment to diversity, inclusion, equality, and equity have a positive impact on the company’s brand. (2-3 slides)
4. Discuss how your plan makes a global contribution to international and multicultural populations. (3-4 slides) 5. Predict how your plan will make a positive contribution to local, state, or governmental laws and regulations. (3-4 slides)
• Include how you will measure financial and non-financial performance.
6. Illustrate how this plan will be implemented, why and how it will be sustainable, along with why you feel this CSR initiative is a core competency of your organization. (3-4 slides). 7. Show how your organization contributes to all four types of corporate social responsibility to demonstrate positive corporate citizenship. (3-4 slides) Provide attribution for credible sources used in the professional presentation. Grading Rubric: A – 4 – Mastery
Demonstrates exemplary attribution for providing credible sources and a professional presentation including writing standards such as grammar, spelling, and punctuation.
A – 4 – Mastery
Comprehensive exemplary explanation of how the organization contributes to all four types of corporate social responsibility to demonstrate positive corporate citizenship. (3-4 slides)
A – 4 – Mastery
Comprehensive exemplary illustration of how this plan will be implemented, why and how it will be sustainable, along with why this CSR initiative is a core competency of the organization. (3-4 slides).
A – 4 – Mastery
Comprehensive exemplary prediction of how the plan will make a positive contribution to local, state, or governmental laws and regulations. (3-4 slides) Included thorough detail on how to measure financial and non-financial performance.
A – 4 – Mastery
Comprehensive exemplary discussion of how the plan makes a global contribution to international and multicultural populations. Included 3+ examples. (3-4 slides)
A – 4 – Mastery
Comprehensive exemplary description of how community involvement and commitment to diversity, inclusion, equality, and equity have a positive impact on the company’s brand. Included 3+ examples. (2-3 slides)
A – 4 – Mastery
Comprehensive exemplary explanation of how the CSR plan will positively impact the triple bottom line while satisfying your shareholders, as well as internal and external stakeholders. (2-3 slides) Included thorough detail on how to mitigate the risk of negative internal and external perceptions of stakeholders or the public.
A – 4 – Mastery
Included visually appealing and professional title slide that introduces the project and clearly explains the purpose.

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