Posted: November 11th, 2022

Do the company’s “strengths” pursue real challenging “opportunities,” i.e., are they risk-takers, or do they undertake the “lowest hanging fruit,” i.e., are they risk-averse.

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Now, we’re onto the Strengths and Weaknesses (internal side) of a company.
When you’re analyzing the “internal environment” of a firm, you are looking “inside” the chosen organization, for example, its structure, culture, assets, resources, etc. Remember the Value Chain, Resource-Based View of the Firm, Balanced Scorecard!
What elements dominate their internal environment — those elements are classified as strengths and weaknesses.
Use ANY company (again, hopefully one we’ve heard of) and list/describe/discuss some strengths and some weaknesses of the firm. Do the company’s “strengths” pursue real challenging “opportunities,” i.e., are they risk-takers, or do they undertake the “lowest hanging fruit,” i.e., are they risk-averse. Give examples. Do they guard against “threats,” which could take advantage of their “weaknesses”? Again, in doing so, name some 1) strengths and 2) weaknesses of the firm, in light of “opportunities” and “threats.” (You may want to choose the firm you talked about in past discussion boards, when we were analyzing “opportunities” and “threats.”) “Google” around! But for now, we are looking for some: a) strengths and b) weaknesses to the firm in question. From this a SWOT Analysis is conducted. And, from there, a “quantitative” SWOT Analysis — EFAS, IFAS, and SFAS — could be done. See in Blackboard, under “Content,” the “GLD-EFAS-IFAS-SFAS-Maytag Sample.ppt,” which I posted.

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