Posted: November 13th, 2022

Provide a brief concluding paragraph that summarizes your key findings.

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Each student will prepare a short case study from the “Fairfax Metropolitan Hospital: The Candidate” case (Page 255):
Please provide a brief overview of the case and answer questions 1 to 4 at the end of the case on p. 256 (you do not need to answer questions 5 & 6 on p. 257). See below for more detailed assignment instructions.
Note: No Late assignments are accepted. This course uses ‘Turn it in’ to check for plagiarized or otherwise unoriginal papers and a high turn it in score may, at your professor’s discretion, result in a reduced score, a zero for the assignment and/or referral to the SoBT to recommend your removal from this course (and failing grade).
Further Assignment instructions:
Read the case study and provide a case overview section, answer the four questions on p. 256, and include a conclusion section. See below for more specific instructions:
Write a two page minimum (not including cover page and reference page) APA formatted paper following the instructions below:
Two textbook citations and one outside resource citation are required for this paper (and also included on the reference page).
Read the case study carefully and then do some outside research to learn more about this topic. Using proper APA formatting, write a two-page (minimum) paper (not including cover page and reference page) and begin with an introduction that briefly summarizes the ethical issues in the case. Then answer each of the questions at the end of the case. Provide a brief concluding paragraph that summarizes your key findings.
Within the paper, including at least some of the responses to the case study ending questions, the information and analysis you provide must be supported by at least 2 textbook citations and 1 reliable outside research source beyond the textbook, cited in proper APA format, then referenced properly at the end of your paper. At least two of the citations should relate to course concepts or applications, and not simply re-stating information provided in the case. (Minimum of 3 citations within the paper).
Paper format: No abstract is required for this paper. The first section begins on page 2 (after the cover page) and the paper begins with the introduction or case overview and should have a section heading (Introduction”, Case Overview” etc.). Next, include each assigned question as presented in the case in bold, followed by your response not in bold. Finally, provide a brief conclusion and this section should also be designated with a ‘Conclusion’ header. The last page is the reference page.
The two-page minimum for content is just that–a minimum– and most likely you may need additional space to fully complete the assignment. Papers that are cut off before fully meeting the two-page minimum will be docked points.
The paper should be double spaced throughout and follow APA guidelines: 12 pt Times New Roman Font, page numbers upper right, section headings (and case questions) in bold, double spaced throughout, etc.

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