Posted: November 15th, 2022

Should Cameron Auto Parts choose license or export?

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Please read the attached short case (“CAMERON AUTO PARTS ”) carefully and answer ALL questions below. Your response should be typed with a maximum of TEN pages including the cover page, references and any attachments. Use double spacing, Times New Roman, 12 point font with a 1 inch margin. Please include page numbers and sub-headings. The cover page should state your name, course number (with section) and date.
Please fully answer the following questions about the case in your report:
1. Summarize and discuss the core issue in the case. Do not repeat the entire case details but only pertinent information at the heart of the case.
2. Should Cameron Auto Parts choose license or export?
3. Was McTaggart a good choice for licensee?
4. What were the critical success factors for Cameron?
5. What is your advice to Alex if you are the board member of Cameron?
You can apply anything from the ppt chapters attached

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