Posted: November 15th, 2022

This means explaining the systems and contexts (social, ecological, technical, logistical, financial) that are relative to the strategy, the suitability of the strategy to the relevant systems and contexts.

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Students have to select one company with a CSR strategy. The selected company can be from any country, but it is important to select a company that discloses information about itself and publish CSR and Sustainability related information in the form of Sustainability/CSR/Non-Financial Reports. The CSR strategies are to be critically assessed in the following way:
1) First, students should give a short SUMMARY of the CSR practices implemented by the company in terms of the relevant ESG standards.
2) Secondly, students should EXPLAIN the ESG context of the CSR strategy. This means explaining the SYSTEMS and CONTEXTS (social, ecological, technical, logistical, financial) that are relative to the strategy, the suitability of the strategy to the relevant systems and contexts. This part of the essay should be backed up by peer-reviewed sources in economics, law/regulation, finance, supply chain research, environmental sciences, geography, sociology, anthropology, history, regional and national studies, etc, as appropriate. (At least 5 sources)
3) Thirdly, students should FORMULATE SPECIFIC, ACTIONABLE RECOMMENDATIONS on how the CSR strategy could be be improved. These recommendations should be supported by arguments clearly linked to the explanations and analysis in part 2.
To increase the reliability of data on the company, it is required that students search for INDEPENDENT, ANALYTICAL SOURCES about the COMPANY AND THE SYSTEMS THAT ARE RELEVANT TO ITS OPERATIONS.
Overall, least 10 are required, 12 or more are likely to be needed to write a good essay.
The length of the paper should be 2250 words long +/-10% (2 point line spacing, and 12 font size).
The assignment will be assessed based on the following criteria (see the grid on Moodle):
·Knowledge and understanding of Sustainability and CSR (20%)
·Quality of analysis and evaluation (40%)
·Conclusions and recommendations (20%)
·Use of literature and referencing (10%)
·Presentation & written communication, including paragraphing and structure (10%)

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