Posted: November 17th, 2022


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Each student will submit a four (4) page paper profiling a leader they have interviewed. The selection of leader can be taken from any industry background chosen by the student. Criteria for selection should be centered on someone that holds a leadership position and has made an impact on an organization (business, not-for-profit organization, political, national, or business) and is of interest to the student. Using concepts learned within this course, the student will interview the leader, summarize the conversation, and share their own reflections.
In addition to the paper, students will need to prepare a 5 – 7 minute presentation about their experience and interview. The presentation may include any handout material, videos or PowerPoint slides.
The paper and presentation are due 11/22/2022 however presentations will be given on multiple dates. Students must sign up for a date to present. Sign up will be posted in Blackboard.
Sample questions: Leadership Profile Paper and Presentation Sample Questions.docx Click for more options Leadership Profile Paper and Presentation Sample Questions.docx – Alternative Formats
Paper Rubric
Total Allotted Pts
Paper is organized, and clear. There should not be any grammatical error or any awkward sentences, etc.
Paper meets minimum page requirement, is typed in Times New Roman, double-spaced and in 12-pt font.
Interview summary introduces the leader, details their experience, title, and overall career trajectory.
The paper demonstrates student’s understanding of concepts, ideology and theories with supporting evidence from the text, recollections from classroom discussions, lectures and/or assignments.
25 pts
Presentation Rubric
Total Allotted Pts
Communication is well-organized and structured with a brief introduction/overview, appropriate detail to communicate important points, and summary. Appropriate use of time limit.
Excellent delivery. Uses language that enhances audience comprehension and interest for topic, while avoiding inappropriate jargon/ slang and utilizing proper grammar. Vocals are exceptionally and appropriately well‐paced, vivid, easily heard by all audience members, and varied in pitch to enhance message.
Mannerisms and body language consistently and strongly enhance communication. Speaker appears confident and polished. Excellent eye contact with entire audience.
Visuals & handouts are: error-free; engaging; and add to the presentation. Visuals are creative, professional and polished.
Grand Total:

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