Posted: November 17th, 2022

Examples of these concepts and frameworks include principles of responsible leadership, business ethics, morality and personal values, corporate values, consequentialism, deontology, utilitarianism, and ethical decision making paradigms.

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The instructor will provide a case to students on ethical leadership and decision making. This case is designed to encourage students to apply analytical concepts and tools to analyze and solve a real-world scenario. Examples of these concepts and frameworks include principles of responsible leadership, business ethics, morality and personal values, corporate values, consequentialism, deontology, utilitarianism, and ethical decision making paradigms. A different case will be utilized each quarter; therefore, requirements for each case will vary depending upon the nature of the scenario of interest. Accordingly, specific instructions and set of requirements (e.g., format, references, and page count) will be included in the description of each case.
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Style Including Structure, Flow, Grammar, and Spelling

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