Posted: November 19th, 2022

What are your biggest takeaways from the reading?

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the following reading and exercise so that you can be prepared to discuss your thoughts, ideas, and reactions to the readings.
1. Jossie Warden (2021). Regenerative Futures: From sustaining to thriving together. RSA paper.
Daniel C. Wahl (2017). Sustainability is not enough: we need regenerative cultures. Medium
Redesigning the future – the Circular Economy Show (audio) (2022)
Reflection: In bulleted sentences answer the following prompts. You can aim for 250-300 words total for the entire reflection exercise. Once you complete your exercise, you can submit it as a post or as an attachment.
What are your biggest takeaways from the reading? Anything you found surprising?
What questions did these readings raise for you?

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