Posted: November 28th, 2022

Instructions Select a Neoclassical and Romantic work of art that we have covered

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Select a Neoclassical and Romantic work of art that we have covered in this course and answer the following questions in essay form:
1. What are the stylistic similarities and differences between the two artworks?
a. Be sure to analyze the stylistic characteristics of each artwork and any stylistic inspiration from past period styles.
b. Don’t forget to apply art historical vocabulary (from the Glossary) in your analysis.
2. What role does cultural context play in the similarities or differences between these two artworks?
a. Discuss the subject matter of each artwork as well as how the cultural context may have informed the choice of subject matter.
b. In order to understand its cultural significance, you may want to consider who commissioned the artwork and what its intended function was.
Please cite any sources you use in MLA format.
To further explore the content we covered in this module.
To identify and analyze an artwork’s stylistic and cultural characteristics to evaluate how it exemplifies its period style.
To practice written analysis including using art historical vocabulary in your writing.
Word-processing software, such as Microsoft Word

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