Posted: December 1st, 2022
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Big Pharma Drug Price Increase:
Explain the possible implications of the decision to raise drug prices. Should the decision be purely about healthcare, or should there also be a profit maximizing consideration in the decision-making process.
Many price setting decisions are made by the executives of a company. What responsibility do lower level employees have regarding management’s decisions?
The article primarily discusses the effect of rising drug prices on our senior citizens. However, the article mentions, “High and growing prescription drug prices will eventually affect all Americans in some way.” Identify different stakeholders and discuss how they will be impacted by an increase in drug prices.
The pharmaceutical industry spends large amounts of money on research and development to create new drugs. To what extent does the cost of creating new drugs justify increasing prices of existing ones?
Explain what you think each of the following statements means in the context of moral development.
How far are you willing to go to do the right thing?
How much are you willing to give up to do what you believe is right?
Mechanics (Correct Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation)5 Points
Completeness (All Questions Answered)15 Points
Originality of Thought (Relevant and Insightful)15 Points
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