Posted: December 8th, 2022

Article Analysis Guidelines The purpose of writing an article analysis is to de

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Article Analysis Guidelines
The purpose of writing an article analysis is to demonstrate that you have read, understood, and can apply your scholarship and critical thinking skills. Typically, an article analysis does three things: Summarizes an article’s main points. Analyzes the evidence offered to support the writer’s main point, taking care to point out where there are flaws in the argument. Reflects upon the significance of the article, its connection to other reading/concepts in the course, and/or its importance to international relations as a field of study.
The article analysis should focus on answering the following questions:
What is the hypothesis/or main argument?
Which of the main IR theoretical approach or approaches are used for analysis in the article? E.g. Liberalism, Social Constructivism and Realism.
What assumptions does this article build upon?
Is there a case study component? If yes, does the selected case fully prove the main hypothesis?
What are the methods used? Qualitative, quantitative or a combination of both.
What are the main theoretical findings and/or conclusions of the article? The article analysis paper should be no more than 1,000 words or approximately 2.5 (two-and-a-half) pages long.
The article to analyze is as an attachment. Which is- why the Ukraine crisis is the wests fault- The Liberal delusions that provoked putin.
Authored by mearsheimer.

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