Posted: February 16th, 2022
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Learning Goal: I’m working on a psychology writing question and need a sample draft to help me learn.Disparagement Humor and PrejudiceSearch for a comedian that has a YouTube clip of using humor towards a specific group. Copy the link and reference in your paper to address the following questions below.Use APA format Disparagement Humor and PrejudiceIn disparagement humor, a specific group is denigrated, belittled, or insulted. The target can be race, sex, religion, ethnicity, or an age group. The joke is conveyed through the use of negative stereotypes.Do they think that this type of humor is a positive indication of how far we have come as a society that we are now able to make fun of the absurd stereotypical beliefs of the past?
Do comedians appear so foolish that they cause prejudiced individuals to reject their prejudiced beliefs? Or, do they see negative social consequences to this type of humor?
Do the media legitimatize these stereotypes?
Does exposure to this sort of humor create a norm of tolerance that allows for the degradation of others and serves to perpetuate prejudice?
Do prejudiced people laugh at and enjoy these kinds of jokes because they affirm their stereotypes? Or would those high in prejudice sense that they themselves are the butt of the jokes and avoid such humor?
Why did you pick this comedian?
Put every question as a subtitle and write answers to all of them.Have a youtube link at the end for the referenceOne paragraph for abstract on 2nd page(Footnote to ponder)In Jokes and Their Relation to the Unconscious (1905/1991), Freud said that jokes allow us to express aggressive feelings in a socially approved way. People enjoy a disparaging joke because it allows them to express feelings of hate that they normally keep to themselves. If Freud was right and jokes are expressions of our hidden aggressive desires, is it good or bad to express such desires? Does having a safe outlet for blowing off steam allow us to go out into the world and behave decently toward others? Or does it expand the boundaries of appropriate conduct and increase the likelihood that such stereotypes will be activated and applied in our next encounter with a member of the target group?
Requirements: 5 pages including reference and title page | .doc file
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