Posted: May 2nd, 2022

Leaders deliver results through others. The quality of the results can vary according to the leadership exdperienced. Wiseman & McKeown, in “Bringing Out the Best in Your People”, have identified leadership attitudes and behaviors as being Multipliers or Diminishers.

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Mini-Ethnographic Study
Leaders deliver results through others. The quality of the results can vary according to the leadership exdperienced. Wiseman & McKeown, in “Bringing Out the Best in Your People”, have identified leadership attitudes and behaviors as being Multipliers or Diminishers.
This task asks you to apply our discussions and readings around Motivation and Engagement in real time. Your ethnographic study is to be performed in your own workplace with a manager/leader you are familiar with. Your data collection is based solely on observation, not interviews.
1.Using the construct offered by Wiseman & McKeown, Multipliers and Diminishers, observe a manager or leader in your workplace.
2.Identify attitudes/behaviors of the mgr/leader AND the impact they seem to have on others.
3.Present your findings and conclusion: The mgr/leader tends to be a ______ because…. ( fill in the blanks)
4.Provide recommendation(s) for improvement and your view on possible implication(s) if changes would be made or if not.

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