Posted: May 5th, 2022

Sales determine your profitability and whether or not you’ll stay in business. S

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Sales determine your profitability and whether or not you’ll stay in business. Sales are also your estimate of how much you’ll have available to spend. Most products and services will require “softer” estimates. The sales forecast will also help you assess your capacity needed (and help you chose adequate space, etc.). Review the example provided with this assignment. This is just an example and is very specific to the assumptions for this business (Spirit Spa). Your projections should reflect your business and your assumptions and may look completely different than the example provided.
Make sure you do not use a calculator to do this assignment. The whole point of using Excel is to have it do the work for you and allows you to easily change assumptions which will change all other related calculations on your sales projections. Also, your instructor (or your supervisor if you were doing this in the real world) can tell whether your calculations are correct just by looking at the formula, thereby eliminating the need to recalculate all of your numbers
******Business plan is attached please make sure you take a look at it first****

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