Posted: May 3rd, 2022

List of Appendices

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List of Appendices
Introduction (approximately 250-500 words)
What are you exploring and why?
Put the project into context.
Why is it important to study this topic? Therefore you need to consider what industry, what context and relationship you are exploring the concept of trust.
Clear identify your research question.
What are the aims and objectives of the research?
Literature Review (approximately 1000-1500 words)
This section of your dissertation/project identifies and analyses the key literature that has been written on your topic. This might come from textbooks, journal articles and other reports. Please use all your secondary data analysis skill to present a clear section on the previous literature that has been written on the topic. Remember, it is important to look for themes in the literature, not just describe one article after another. Make sure you reference everything clearly and be careful not to plagiarise.
Methodology (approximately 500 words)
How you are going to conduct your research, and why you have chosen these particular methods. This will fundamentally come from your earlier research proposal. However, this will have to be adjusted and edited to fit the flow of this report. You will have to clearly justify which qualitative method you are using and describe how you are using it – the what, when, where, why type questions.
Findings or analysis (approximately 1000-1500 words)
This is the section where you present your data, the evidence you have collected. You need to show how you have analysed the data. The trick here is to communicate your findings in a clear and interesting way for the client. This can be achieved by using tables, diagrams, quotes from respondents etc.
Conclusions and Recommendations (approximately 1000 words)
This is one of the most important sections. This section is where you add value to your findings; you explain what you have found and why it is important; this would be in light of the Literature Review section. Further, you might recommend a course (or multiple courses) of action. However, these recommendations must be informed by your research, not made up in isolation.
Reference List
Create a Reference List of only the sources you have cited in the body of your report. Please do not include anything that is not in the body of your report. We tend to use the Harvard style at Plymouth University.
There is material relating to Harvard referencing on the student portal, and there are also many helpful web sites.
Any additional material should be placed here. These must be referenced in the main body of your project, and the source acknowledged. They should be in the order they are referred to in your text. You MUST include all your transcriptions (typed out) from your interviews or focus group as an appendix.
also for the collecting data I will choose interviews and for the sampling method I would go with non-probability
this is for methdology* please also prepare the questions

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