Posted: May 5th, 2022

Compare and contrast both childcare providers and how their craft either supports or hinders appropriate brain development for babies

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Nora (yes, she’s back!) is now the mother to a healthy 5 month little girl named Naomi. Nora is still learning how to interact with Naomi. She often just sets Naomi down on a blanket or in her bassinet, where Naomi rarely faces Nora at all. Nora has mentioned that she wants to put Naomi in childcare a few hours a week so that she can go back to work. Respond to the questions below: :
Explain to Nora how inappropriate stimulation–either too little or too much for Naomi–can impair cognitive, emotional, and physical development. What would you suggest to her for appropriate stimulation for a 5 month old and why? Provide examples of what Nora can do and how it supports development.
Nora has visited two potential child care providers that could care for Naomi while she is at work. One is called Betsy’s Babies. Betsy’s Babies emphasizes gentle talking, touching, and social games. The other is called Connie’s Cuties, and Connie spends most of the time with babies showing them flashcards, number drills, and classical music lessons. Compare and contrast both childcare providers and how their craft either supports or hinders appropriate brain development for babies. Remember, Naomi is 5 months, so keep in mind what is developmentally appropriate for this age.

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