Posted: May 5th, 2022

Identify one tax (other than federal personal income tax) you pay and one benefit you utilize that is funded by tax dollars

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Benjamin Franklin reportedly said, “In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” In other words, taxes will always be with us.
When we think of taxes, we often focus on the largest one, the federal personal income tax. But we also pay other taxes. Some are federal, and some are only in specific geographic areas (cities or states). Paying taxes can have a significant impact on our household budget. However, it’s also important to note the benefits we receive from services that are funded by tax dollars (public education, roads, parks, food assistance, etc.).
Identify one tax (other than federal personal income tax) you pay and one benefit you utilize that is funded by tax dollars. How do both of these impact your life and your family member’s lives?
Week 5
Many consumers use checking accounts and credit, often in the form of credit cards.
What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of having a checking account?
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How can planning to manage your accounts lead you to be more productive and better equipped to manage your financial priorities?
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Find an article or video offering advice on choosing the best financing option for a business. Answer the following questions:
Which types of financing did they discuss?
What advice did they offer?
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