Posted: May 5th, 2022

Music Marketing Technology Stack

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(MY PART IS ONLY NUMBER I – Purpose/Abstract, Campaign/Software Release Goals)
Assignment 5: Music Marketing Technology Stack (Group Assignment)
For this week’s assignment, you will work together in teams. As a team, choose one of the provided example scenarios below and then create a five-to-seven-page marketing outline detailing the following:
-Specific goals (or KPIs) for your campaign/release
-Complete marketing stack you will utilize to execute these goals
Make sure your assignment includes the following:
-What was your approach to establishing your goals/KPIs? Please describe your process.
-How will you work to achieve these goals utilizing social, email, web, and other owned, paid, and earned media platforms?
-How will you track your results? Please describe your approach to tracking and reporting.
-Include any visuals (emails, site images, etc.) that might help support your marketing outline and make sure you provide references and cite all your sources according to APA guidelines.
Selected Scenario: New groundbreaking music production software release for a large, established, well-known brand (think Avid, Ableton, Cubase, Propellerhead, etc.). As the marketing leads for this company, your team will have full access to existing web, email, social, and other properties.
During the group meeting, we outlined assignments for each individual on the team and determined our team name/fake company name will be Coast to Coast Media (C2C).
Assigned sections for our marketing plan
Marcos: Purpose/Abstract, Campaign/Software Release Goals
Deadline: ASAP, Tuesday AM (MY PART)
Billy: Target Market (Include demographic data), Social and Email in Approach Target market by Tuesday end of day
Social and Email by Wednesday end of day
Note: Use reference and screenshots from Avid, Ableton, Cubase, Propellerhead, etc.
Sandy: Web (Blog/News Posts), Other Owned Media (App, etc.), Paid, Earned Media
Deadline: Wednesday end of day
Note: Use reference and screenshots from Avid, Ableton, Cubase, Propellerhead, etc.
Rae: Evaluation (KPIs, Tools)
Deadline: By Friday end of day
Note: How will we measure success for each tactic
Felicia: Budget, Timeline
Other: Review Paper, Format, Submit
By Saturday

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