Posted: May 5th, 2022

Nanotechnology: What were the political effects of this emerging technology?

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For this assignment, you will write a 500-word expository essay on the topic of technology, history, and society. Your essay should have a clearly established and sustained viewpoint and purpose. In addition, your writing should be well ordered, logical, and unified, as well as original and insightful. Following are the content requirements of the essay:
Select one of the following emerging technologies: nanotechnology, biotechnology, artificial intelligence, and robotics.
Describe the emerging technology.
What problem was this emerging technology addressing?
What were the political effects of this emerging technology?
Describe at least one positive political outcome.
Describe at least one negative political outcome.
What were the social effects of this emerging technology?
Describe at least one positive social outcome.
Describe at least one negative social outcome.
What were the economic effects of this emerging technology?
Describe at least one positive economic outcome.
Describe at least one negative economic outcome.
Overall, do you believe the tradeoffs of your example were worth it for society? Why or why not?
Your paper should also meet the following requirements:
APA format.
Title page
APA citations
Double-spaced sentences
12-point Times New Roman font
Reference page
Three sources minimum (including the class text)
Standard English grammar conventions
Correct grammar
Correct punctuation and spelling
Logical, well-ordered sentences

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