Posted: May 5th, 2022

One way nature and nurture interact to influence cognitive development in ADOLESCENCE

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Question 1
We have discussed the role of nature and nurture on the various domains of development throughout the semester. Given what we have discussed over the course of the semester, identify…
one way nature influences development in each of the domains (cognitive, social-emotional, physical). (9 pts)
one way nurture influences development in each of the domains (cognitive, social-emotional, physical). (9 pts)
one way nature and nurture interact to influence cognitive development in ADOLESCENCE. (3 pts)
one way nature and nurture interact to influence social-emotional development in (3 pts)
Copy and paste these two bullet lists to organize your responses:
Physical development
Cognitive development
Social-emotional development
How nature and nurture interact to affect…
Cognitive development:
Social-emotional development:
Question 2
The use of technology at home, in the school, and for social networking has been steadily increasing. Based on what you know about development through early childhood, middle childhood, and adolescence, consider the following:
Identify one way that technology positively affects development in each of the three domains – be specific, using appropriate vocabulary/theoretical constructs. (9 points)
Identify one way that technology negatively affects development in each of the three domains – be specific, using appropriate vocabulary/theoretical constructs. (9 points)
Describe one way in which technology’s effects on development in one domain interact with development in another domain. This could be a positive OR negative interaction. (9 points)
Copy and paste this bullet list to help organize your responses:
Physical development
Negative effects:
Positive effects:
Cognitive development
Negative effects:
Positive effects:
Social-emotional development
Negative effects:
Positive effects:
One way technology’s effects in one domain interact with another:

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