Posted: May 5th, 2022

Describe realist and liberal interpretations of the causes of war

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5. To fight terrorism, the United States faces two fronts, the war against ISIS in Iraq and Syria and the risk of domestic ISIS-inspired terrorist attacks. Recently, all ISIS territories have been seized by Syrian and Iraqi military forces. Even though using military forces is crucial, explain why it is not sufficient to defeat ISIS.
8. Describe realist and liberal interpretations of the causes of war. Which of these perspectives’ arguments do you find most convincing for explaining the war in the post-Cold War era? Why? Answer the question by citing real-world examples.
11. Realism and neoliberal institutionalism have differing views on the possibility of international cooperation. Describe those views for each of them. Which do you think is more accurate in explaining cooperation among states today? In your response, be sure to cite real-world examples to back up your argument.
10. There are several techniques used by states to exert influence in international relations (tools of statecraft). If you were the leader of the United States, which of these do you think is likely to be the most effective in dealing with North Korea to stop its potential use of nuclear weapons against other states? Why? Be sure to discuss the benefits of your preferred policy as well as the weaknesses of the others in your answers.

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