Posted: May 5th, 2022

The Brown v. board of education supreme court case

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I chose to write about The Brown v. board of education supreme court case.
There should be an intro and a paragraph per question that needs to be answered from the handout on this paper and a conclusion. There should be a title page and a reference page as well. It should be in APA 7 format.
This is my intro and the thesis statement you are required to put in this paper, you can add to it and reword it in a better way if you want: Brown V. Board of education of Topeka affected the way citizens live in the united states today. The supreme court case tackled the segregation issues in education as it states in the 14th amendment that all citizens are equal, yet education wasn’t the same at black schools as it was at white schools. This created a brighter pathway for black Americans in the education system.
The rest of the instructions and questions are in the PLS document attached below.

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