Posted: May 7th, 2022

Miscommunication between manager level employees and entry level employees

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Team Project (Written Report & Oral Presentation)
BUAD 301 – 200 Points
Due on Monday, May 9th (Groups 1-4), or Wednesday May 11th (Groups 5-8)
Assignment overview: Your group is to identify a communication-related problem or issue in a business organization. Here are some examples:
(1) Miscommunication between manager level employees and entry level employees
(2) A Point-of-Sale system (for checking out – the registers) is outdated
(3) Customer service has been rated poorly on social media sites
(4) Anything your group feels would be necessary.
As a group, you are to design a solution to the problem, using course materials, terms and discussion, independent research, and your own experiences to guide you. This assignment involves both an oral presentation of the problem along with the chosen solution and a written report. In both components your group will be expected to perform the following:
Identify the organization OR industry
Describe the problem (who, what, when, how and why).
Describe and justify the solution selected based on sufficient research.
Present a timetable for implementing the solution.
Present a budget for implementing the solution.
Present a method for evaluating the “success” of the solution.
Group Expectations: There will be one grade assigned to all members. It is expected that your group will integrate materials covered in class/textbook into the final presentation and report.
150 points: 12-15 Pages
The written assignment should be written in a report format. This means it needs to be single spaced in font 11 or 12. Here is the breakdown of the written portion of the assignment, including length:
· Cover Page (1 Page
· Report (12 Pages minimum w/4 members, 15 Pages minimum w/5 members): A detailed account in report format (single spaced, font 11 or 12, 1-inch margins) that explains the solution you have selected. It analyzes and discusses why the solution is significant and why the group chose that solution. You should be able to build a case for recommendations in your report by giving ample examples of reader benefits. Examples of how the solution will positively impact the organization should be presented. If you have determined procedural changes are required, you must build your report to support recommendations for these changes.
· Reference Page (1 Page): This is the only part of your report which should use APA formatting. When you use outside sources, please make sure to site them in the body of the report, and at the end on a reference page. A minimum of 10 references are required for your written professional report.
Possible outline of written report (may be modified):
Identify the organization OR industry
Describe the problem (who, what, when, how and why).
Describe and justify the solution selected based on sufficient research.
Present a timetable for implementing the solution.
Present a budget for implementing the solution.
Present a method for evaluating the “success” of the solution.
7. Conclusion/Recommendations discussing why they should move forward with your group
50 points:12-15 Minutes
Average of 3 minutes per person for total time of presentation (12 minutes minimum w/4 members, 15 minutes minimum w/5 members)
The oral presentation should assume that the presenters are “pitching” their solution to a group of people in the organization that will decide whether to hire this team to implement the solution. Your group must use a visual aid such as PowerPoint. Please dress in business attire. Everyone in the group must participate. You can use the same format as you did in your written report if you would like.
Possible outline of oral presentation (may be modified):
1. Introduction of team members (everyone needs to be introduced or introduce themselves)
Identify the organization OR industry
Describe the problem (who, what, when, how and why).
Describe and justify the solution selected based on sufficient research.
Present a timetable for implementing the solution.
Present a budget for implementing the solution.
Present a method for evaluating the “success” of the solution.
8. Conclusion/Recommendations discussing why they should move forward with your group
As always, please let me know if you have any questions. Good luck!

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