Posted: May 7th, 2022

How has your perspective of the Docorate Stragetic Leadership (DSL) changed since the beginning of the term? How, or why?

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Based on your experience(s) in this course…please address each of the questions below:
How has your perspective of the Docorate Stragetic Leadership (DSL) changed since the beginning of the term? How, or why?
What are some surprising things you learned this term, why?
What are three important things you take away from the course that will aid you in being successful in the DSL program?
What worked or didn’t work in helping you learn this term, why? What would help next time?
How well did you manage your time this term, and how could you improve?
* This is a online course. I havent been to school in 7 years. Getting back adapted was hard but worth it.

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