Posted: May 6th, 2022

Disney Company

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I copied and pasted the instructions, Make sure you do DISNEY COMPANY since this the second part.
In this project, you will analyze the business you have chosen in part one and continue to look at the company from its financial decisions and outcomes and its marketing strategies and human stakeholders.
1. Use the same organization you chose from part one (10 point deduction if you choose another):
Disney Company
2. Look at your company’s financial reports (balance sheet and income statements) (current 10k reports, 2021 for the year, not quarterly reports). Insert a picture of your company’s balance sheet and income statement.
3. Compare the financial reports with your company’s nearest competitor (just one). Analyze and discuss the main components listed below (from chapter 17):
Complete your company’s current ratio, then explain by comparing and contrasting the number to your competitor (must show calculations and explain in at least one paragraph).
Complete your company’s debt to owner’s equity ratio, then explain by comparing and contrasting the number to your competitor (must show calculations and explain in at least one paragraph).
Complete a return on sales, then explain by comparing and contrasting the number to your competitor (must show calculations and explain in at least one paragraph).
4. How does your business apply the marketing mix? Explain each of these areas below:
Explain the branding of the organization: integrate whether it has brand equity, brand loyalty, and/or brand awareness-chapter 14 (at least one paragraph)
Explain the channel systems used by your organization-see chapter 15 (at least one paragraph)
Explain if this business utilizes B2B, B2C, or both and explain the business market segment and target-chapter 13 (at least one paragraph).
Briefly explain your business’s promotional strategy- chapters 13 and 16 (at least one paragraph).
5. Research your organization’s relationship with its employees. Discuss if there are conflicts or explain if the employees regard the business favorably (at least one paragraph).
Be sure to include an introduction and a conclusion
Use the APA paper.
Write your paper using Times New Roman and 12 point font.
Include a reference page
Cite your paper using APA or MLA format
Use the questions as paragraph headers.
Final thoughts:
Use the same organization you used in the business trends paper in this analysis. Be sure to check your grammar and do not plagiarize. Complete all questions with at least the designated number of paragraphs (a paragraph is 4 to 6 sentences). Also, this assignment is checked for plagiarism using Turn-it-in technology. So, use your own words and cite your document.

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