Posted: May 10th, 2022

the behaviour of people in organisations from the weekly Happy Time Toys video

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T‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‍‍‌‍‍he Task What lessons can be learned about the behaviour of people in organisations from the weekly Happy Time Toys video case study analyses conducted? Answer the above question drawing upon your weekly critical evaluation/analysis of the video case studies and the academic material covered in the module, including sources from your independent inquiry. Support your answer with strong, high quality empirical (academic) evidence. You can include three or more lessons learned about behaviour of people in organisations. The main criterion for selection is that overall, in your essay, you have considered all three levels of analysis: micro (individual), meso (group), and macro (organisational). These levels can be present in one or more lessons, or you can deal with them in different lessons. It is your choice. Approaching carefully and critically the weekly video case studies. Approaching critically means that you should be: • Identifying and questioning assumptions underlying the thinking and behaviours of various actors in the case study. • Identifying and evaluating alternative perspectives of different actors in the case study and potentially also of those not mentioned in the case study but relevant to it.

• Contextualising the organisation and human behaviour; this means relating them to the state and events of the wider environment and historical context. • Exercising reflective scepticism in relation to any statements or pronouncements made or evidence given in the case study; this means that you should retain the awareness of being told only parts of the story and avoid taking things for granted; it also means that you should be aware of your own subjectivity in any conclusions that you may draw about the case, and that you should question your own thinking as much as you question anybody else’s. Identifying links between organisational practices described in the cases and OBA topics and theories covered in the module. The weekly video case studi‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‍‍‌‍‍es are designed in such a way as to be relevant to all parts of the module, although it may concentrate on some areas more than others. In making the links, you will need to aim to achieve a good balance of breadth and depth of exploration of individual topics. Exploring and researching those links by reading widely, systematically and thoroughly. As you do so, you need to differentiate between the levels of quality of literature sources.

Whereas we believe that all literature sources on the reading lists are worth reading (otherwise they would not be there), textbooks should be viewed as introductory readings into topics that can give you the general idea about the subject matter and lead into relevant bodies of literature, rather than ultimate authorities or deposits of advanced scholarship. The latter qualities are typically associated with original literature sources – normally, peer-reviewed journal articles and specialised scholarly books (such as monographs, handbooks, and edited collections), which are viewed as high-quality sources. Additionally, you can explore OBA literature beyond the module reading lists, but you need to keep the above quality criteria in mind. Deciding on how you will bring together the literature you read, and the organisational realities as represented in the video case studies. 2 Remember that this can work both ways: you can use OBA theories to analyse and critique the case, and you can use the case to comment on, explain and critique OBA theories. This 2-way dialogue between theories and practice is a great way of generating some insight and originality – . constructing an argument that makes sense of complex organisations and takes us beyond what we already knew about organisational life. style: Presentation – professional writing and presentation style (. Arial or a similar font, size 12, spaces between paragraphs, use of headings and sub-headings) please follow the video transcripts as that’s what’s required + a‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‍‍‌‍‍ssignment brief

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