Posted: May 11th, 2022

What is fair trade, and why might companies be interested in incorporating its use into their corporate strategy?

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Hi, Please read the whole case study and answer the 5 questions in the end with a sample explanation.
Case study is attached.
§ Questions
1 What is fair trade, and why might companies be interested in incorporating its use into their corporate strategy? 2 Set out the main arguments for and against the involvement of big business in fair trade. Consider the arguments from the point of view of customers, supermarkets supplier and other stakeholders. Do you believe the criticism of large brands in the fair trade movement is justified? 3 How is the price paid by consumers relevant to whether growers are treated fairly?
4 Ultimately, whose responsibility is it to ensure that growers’ interests are protected—the growers themselves, product manufacturers, retailers, or consumers? Do these different constituencies in the supply chain have different responsibilities towards growers? What are these? 5 Personal reflection: Do you personally feel businesses have an obligation to stakeholders other than their owners? Why or why not? ))
Thank you.

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