Posted: May 11th, 2022

PART I: Topic: HRChallenge: Selecting the Right Candidate

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PART I: Topic: HR
Challenge: Selecting the Right Candidate (Internal – External)
Overview: 3 pages (825 words)
At least 3 SCHOLARLY sources from peer-reviewed journal from 2016 to present.
APA6. (Any of the listed sources can be used.)
This assessment examines how to assess the
effectiveness of both internal and external candidates for the jobs for which
you are recruiting. There are many views of these two areas of selection and
many accurately describe possible outcomes for the organization. Organizational
employees, first-line supervisors, and other stakeholders see the value in
supporting promotion from within. It saves resources in training, reinforces
current employee commitment, and offers the powerful promise of a long-term
professional future for those working in the organization.
However, organizations with a majority of
long-term employees often suffer from a groupthink condition that can do great
harm. From the NASA Space Shuttle Columbia disaster in 2002 to the banking
failure of 2008, groupthink has the ability to set organizations on a
destructive path. One of the outcomes of groupthink is organizational failure.
The other consequence is the tendency to become insular, which comes from
hiring and promoting people who think more alike than different. Anyone
involved in accreditation can tell you that accrediting agencies, whether they
are government or private, strongly discourage hiring a school’s own graduates.
Accrediting agencies allow only a very small percentage of homegrown faculty
members in any school. One of the things they are trying to encourage is the
diversity of thought and professional background. These are essential components
of organizational success; their absence can do a great deal of damage in
organizational decision-making as well as product development.
Every individual position that becomes
vacant or is new to the organization must be evaluated to determine whether it
should be advertised internally only or both internally and externally.
§ For
this assessment, imagine that you are the Vice President of Human Resources (VP
of HR) for CapraTek. The Western sales division has had more turnover than any
other part of the company. Since 2010, there have been six different sets of
directors and deputy directors for the organization. In three years, the
Western sales division has lost 80% of its clients. The other sales division
has only lost 2% of its clients. The marketing-science office at the corporate
level has been deeply involved in redesigning product development and sales
processes, which have become more complicated. It has also become harder for
customers to qualify for financing. These actions, while presented as quality
efforts, have not led to positive outcomes. Over time, these conditions have
raised prices above all competitors. While the organization’s products are of
great quality, some products could be over-engineered and possibly too taste
§ Aside
from the low morale, the level of turnover at the senior ranks of the division
has done harm to employees at all levels of the division. Frontline sales
professionals, supervisors, support staff, support leaders, middle managers,
and stakeholders are confused about quality standards and approval stages. The
CapraTek CEO and COO have consistently selected sales directors and deputy
directors from outside the organization, but all were soon terminated for poor
performance. The next set of directors was selected internally from the sales
professionals, and they were terminated after about 18 months. Additionally,
the job description for this position has been studied and refined multiple
times; this is not the issue or answer for this assessment.
Your Challenge
§ As
the VP of HR, consider the following actions and for each one:
Describe whether you would execute this
If you would execute this action, explain
how and why.
If you would not execute this action,
explain why not.
Actions to Consider
§ Seek
consulting services: Seek consulting services from a professional search firm
that will take the place of the company human resources staff performing the recruiting
effort. The private firm will perform the search for candidates and conduct
pre-assessments and interviews before the final candidates are presented to the
company. Provide evidence as to why this would be a good decision.
§ Hire
from within: Continue to hire candidates from within the organization using the
current process of allowing HR and the CEO and COO to make the selections.
Provide evidence-based rationale to support your decision.
§ Conduct
an internal Search: Begin an intense internal search within CapraTek for
director and deputy director positions to be run by HR, leading to a robust
list of candidates for consideration. Describe why or why you would not take
this course of action.
Prepare a 3 page analysis that states how and why you would take each course of
action, or if you would not take a specific action, explain why not. All three
Actions to Consider must be addressed. Along with your recommendations, include
the following:
(300 words) Analyze options available for
addressing issues with employee turnover, product development and the sales
process, rise in product prices, and operational morale.
§ Weigh
the pros and cons of taking each action.
§ Determine
whether you would take each action.
(225 words) Explain how available options
could be executed.
§ Explain
briefly what steps you would take to accomplish any of the actions you would
choose to take.
(300 words) Provide the rationale for each
decision to either take or not take a course of action.
§ Describe
key factors that influenced your decision.
§ Include
material from your references to support your conclusions.
Review the HR Challenge: Selecting the
Right Candidate (Internal – External) Scoring Guide to see the criteria by
which your assessment will be evaluated.
PART II: Topic: HR
Challenge: Job Analysis and Competency Modeling.
Overview: 2 pages (550 words)
At least 1 references from trade publications or other relevant sources.
APA6. (Any of the listed sources can be used.)
Prepare a 2-page job description and
competency model that follows a specified example. You will use O*Net Online (
to select the job.
Job analysis, job competencies, and job
descriptions form critical elements of employee recruiting, selection, and
organizational staffing. We must understand the job, know its nature, and
describe its competencies before we can announce the position and attract
quality applicants. To get to this point, the HR professional must have the
skill to conduct research, including employee and supervisor interviews. These
interviews will contain valuable real-life information that will describe the
job to be advertised and filled. For this assessment, you will be developing a
position description.
§ Job
analysis, job competencies, and job descriptions form critical elements of
employee recruiting, selection, and organizational staffing. We must understand
the job, know its nature, and describe its competencies before we can announce
the position and attract quality applicants. To get to this point, the HR
professional must have the skills to conduct research, including employee and
supervisor interviews. These interviews will contain valuable real-life
information that will describe the job to be advertised and filled. For this
assessment, you will be developing a position description.
Your Challenge
§ Use
O*Net Online to develop a job description and competencies for ANY
job of your choosing. The job should have five to seven competencies. Your job
description and competency model should follow this example of a medical job
description for a Physician Assistant:
Serves in the Occupational Medicine
Program (OMP), Occupational and Environmental Medicine (OEM), and other
Occupational Health (OH) services and related matters.
Advises on OH program development,
management, administration, and evaluation. Formulates OH service policies and
objectives as required. Advises on program requirements and procedures.
Establishes criteria for OH program evaluations and assessments. Advises on the
development, interpretation, and application of occupational health standards.
Provides technical assistance on health conservation requirements, OH
practices, and delivery of OH services that affect worker health as needed.
Participates in epidemiological investigation of disease, illness, or accidents
of particular importance to the OH program as required.
Plans, coordinates, and conducts OH
program consultation reviews, visits, and special studies. Evaluate the
effectiveness of OH programs. Analyzes and interprets data on OH programs.
Resolve complex OH problems to improve OH clinical services, health education,
and wellness. Researches trends and patterns. Reports on findings and
conclusions, with recommendations as needed.
Reviews state and federal regulations on
occupational health for organizational impact, recommending changes as needed.
Develops new OH program evaluation methods and criteria. Develops standard
procedures, model administrative documents, and informational material relating
to the development and management of installation OH programs. Develops
innovative and unique methods of problem solving and evaluation.
Prepare a 2-page job description and competency model that follows the example
given. Use O*Net Online to select the job you will describe, and include the
(140 words) Provide a description that
includes knowledge of the content information and expertise associated with the
§ Analyze
what someone in this job would need to know and be able to do.
§ Would
they need to have special skills, training, licenses, or degrees?
(140 words) Define tasks and technology
skills that are aligned to the context of the environment in which the work is
§ Does
the description include details on what the main tasks and skills are?
§ How
does the work environment impact the work?
(140 words) Create descriptions of work
activities that match the context of the work.
§ Are
the job elements described?
§ Are
they consistent with job framework, setting, or expectations?
(140 words) Develop a description of work
that displays a clear connection to measurable elements of performance.
§ How
are things connected and do they make sense?
a potential job applicant be able to read the description and understand the
job expectations?

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