Posted: May 17th, 2022

Dog grooming Budiness

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Dog grooming Budiness
Create a “Company”, business or organization that you will use during this course. It could be a type of business where you work or have worked, one that you would like to begin in the future, or something that you are familiar with. You may not use an existing company like Publix or Home Depot.
Describe this “Company” by telling what type of business or organization this is. Include the ownership or corporate structure and a brief description of the chain of command or levels of management. Assume that you are responsible for Human Resource duties. Provide a range of the number of employees that this business will hire. (Must be more than 4 and less than 100)
Most weeks you will have an assignment to add information about your “Company” related to the information found in the chapter of that week.
I appreciate creativity and thoughtfulness in these assignments.

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