Posted: May 17th, 2022

What does marketing mean to you?

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Postings must be completed using in APA formatting and including a minimum of 2 outside sources beyond the textbook to support your position. Your posting should be at least 300 word minimum. You can earn up to 25 points for your posting. You must then reply to at least 2 of your classmate posts, your replies are due by midnight on Sunday. You can earn another 25 points for your replies. Replies must also be in APA format using at least another 2 outside source.
One note on APA format in discussions. It can be tricky to properly format discussions in APA. For one thing, the discussion board does not normally allow for italics, Secondly, when you cut and paste, you will likely find that some of your formatting, such as indenting and double spacing, does not appear in the discussion. Some students have mastered this technique, Many do not. I want you to do the best you can when it comes to APA formatting in discussions. One tip is to watch the APA video and pay close attention to the part about wrapping your text. Not to worry, however, I understand the challenges.
Other papers, however, are expected to be very well done when it comes to APA format. OK?
This week’s discussion question:
What does marketing mean to you? Beyond the definition in the book, what ideas or concepts come to mind when you hear the term “Marketing”?
What positives come to mind and what negatives come to mind. Be sure to include at least two outside sources

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