Posted: May 21st, 2022

In qualitative research, the researcher is considered the primary instrument. How would you separate yourself from the actual study?

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Johnson, David
8 hours ago, at 2:04 AM
Hello all,
In qualitative research, the researcher is considered the primary instrument. How would you separate yourself from the actual study?
The qualitative research uses Induction. According to University of Phoenix (2021), this is a bottom up approach which begins with the research question and interviews or data questionnaires and surveys and creates a theme. The researchers aim is to build broad conclusions based on the data, and create a theory. By nature of the inductive property of qualitative research, the researcher has to remain somewhat separate from the actual study in order to build a broad conclusion. Khan (2019), talked about qualitative research as scientific consisting of investigation to answer questions. The nature of the research is systematic and uses preset procedures to define the scope of the effort. The researcher uses this systematic methodology to stay apart from the research.
Also, qualitative research has an inherent responsibility to remain credible. This is a major factor in the value of the study. There are ethical considerations to be made in the collection, analysis, data record, storage and other stages of the research effort. The research interview must maintain these ethics and be designed with that intent in mind.
Khan (2019), talked about how the outline of the report includes thanking all of the participants, stating the problem, listing the research questions, describing the methods used to conduct the research and any potential flaws in the method used, explaining the data gathering and analysis techniques used, and concluding with the answers to the questions and suggestions for further research. This upholds the ethical responsibilities on the part of the researcher.

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