Posted: May 21st, 2022

Why is Project Management Important for an Organization?

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Write a 250-word
summary (max 400 words) of what was learned for the past two weeks (weeks 2
& 3) and apply the content from the assigned readings and the lessons.
Here is a list of some of the readings:
Why is Project Management Important for an Organization?
Why organizations cannot thrive without purpose
Considerations for the occasional project manager
IT project selection: Politics, experience and good friends
Organizational influences on project management
Project organizational structures
The project management life cycle
Types of organizational structure: Functional, matrix, and
Project management lifecycle: Initiation
Project management 07: Defining the project
Align project management with organizational strategy
A Complete Strategy Map Template (Including Examples)
Balanced Scorecard with Strategy Maps
Use forward and backward pass to determine project duration
and critical path
Project management: What is a Work Breakdown Structure?
Project planning for beginners: Project management training
Project planning process: 5 steps to project management
What are project deliverables?
What is project scheduling?
Creating a project plan that works
Project management from simple to complex
Work Breakdown Structure

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