Posted: May 21st, 2022

identify and describe an organization that has gone through a change process and the impact on tye organization.

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identify and describe an organization that has gone through a change process and the impact on tye organization. include in this paper strategies that the organization implemented during this change process. additionally, identify one challenge associated with change management face in the organization and provide a solution you would utilize in overcoming this challenge. some challenges include but are not limited to job satisfaction, organizational commitment, job stress, work-life balance, job culture fit, organizational communication, etc. you are to include a leadership component to this paper. this paper must demonstrate your overall understanding of this course content and its relation to the importance of organizational change and leadership.
requires the following format:
introduction- introduction to the organizational behavior and specific challenge your paper will focus on;explain the challenge experienced by the organization
literature review-a well written summary of the literature that you reviewed in relation your identified challenge
leadership-style of leadership moe/theory that would best be able to meet the needs associated with the challenge
recommendations-provide your own recommendations to meet the needs associated with the challenge identified in your paper
conclusion-concluding points of the paper

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