Posted: May 23rd, 2022

How important is CEO personality and behavior in influencing the collective behavior of an organization?

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Instructions: After reading the Case Study, students are to submit answers to the following questions. Please recognize the questions presented here are taken from the Case Study questions found on p. 5 of the Case Study, under “Why This Matters.” The specific questions students are to answer for this assignment are listed here:
Kalanick set the tone for the company with an emphasis on growth. How important is CEO personality and behavior in influencing the collective behavior of an organization?
How difficult is it to change culture once it is established? Can the business model of Uber succeed with a distinctly new management and firm culture?
What will prevent the Uber culture from returning to its original culture?
Uber’s leader stated “culture is written bottoms up.” To what extent is culture created top down, and to what extent bottoms up?
Is substantial turnover needed in order to successfully complete a culture shift?
Each of the 5 questions is worth 20% of the earned grade on this assignment. Each question can be answered in as little as one paragraph, but supportive evidence must be applied from course materials, the Canvas module, or the textbook.

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