Posted: May 25th, 2022

Watch the Ted Talk by Scott Szwast on the Global Business Next Door.

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Watch the Ted Talk by Scott Szwast on the Global Business Next Door.
Please provide a 1 to 1.5 page summary and commentary of the TED Talk presentation. As you watch the speech, you should be paying attention to the content and key points being made. In your write-up:
Identify the key points and provide a brief summary.
Comment on the important aspects above by evaluating the quality and strength of the argument being presented. Was it compelling or persuasive? Why or why not?
Which part(s) appealed to you personally? Why?
What did you learn?
Lastly and most importantly, please try to relate it to an example, personal experience OR something that you came across in a magazine, article, newspaper, website, etc.
Remember to format your document in Word. It should have one inch margins, and 12 point font.

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