Posted: May 26th, 2022

the role of a marketer for a large corporate company that currently sells high-end products or services. Y

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For this Assignment, you will take on the role of a marketer for a large corporate company that currently sells high-end products or services. Your task is to assess the possibilities of selling a less expensive product/service to boost sales while maintaining the quality expectations of your consumer base. The challenge will be to not tarnish your brand while bringing in new customers that will boost sales for the company.
To complete this Assignment, you will develop and present an assessment overview of a high-end brand that is planning to incorporate the possibility of selling a lower-end product or service to a new market. A big consideration is evaluating brand value. Your task will be to evaluate your current high-end brand and compare it to the potential new low-cost product/service and assess the real value aspect in order to make an impact on customer buying decisions and perceived value from the overall customer base, all while keeping your current customer base. You may select a company from the following industries as your chosen company to evaluate (fashion, technology, or hospitality—hotels/resorts, restaurants, etc.). You will want to select a large enough company with sufficient information on the web to be able to pull together the material you need for this exercise.
The product of your evaluation will be a report that you could deliver to the company’s CEO and senior leadership team for review.
Analyze the importance of the 4 Ps in establishing the marketing analysis.
As part of your analysis, explain how each of the 4 Ps factor into marketing decisions.
Propose a new selling strategy for the organization based on your analysis of the organization’s current selling strategies.
Analyze how persuasion can be used to influence consumer behavior.

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